
Today, I dropped a glass lid for one of my pots. As soon as it hit the floor, I thought about how we can feel when we have dropped or fumbled various aspects of our lives, how we may have missed opportunities or neglected goals. Thoughts plague our minds, such as where we went wrong or if we could have done something different to prevent the drop. Before everything shatters to the ground, we attempt to catch it, but all we grasp is air. Witnessing the shattering of our aspirations can cause us to freeze and look at every broken piece. Should we move forward to try and piece everything back together, or is it too much damage?

Sometimes, if we move forward, we could get cut from all the broken pieces seen and unseen. We often look as if there is no hope of what could be because the damage is too significant. Yet, there are times when the breaking has to occur to get us to take a new path. Maybe it wasn't meant for us to hold onto or catch what we thought was ours. You may feel shattered internally, like the glass on the floor, but you are still standing. Therefore, clean up the area and move towards the new thing.

The pot update: For me, it was letting go of an old pot that my husband knew we needed to get rid of. I was holding on even when forewarned it could break. It took me dropping the lid to let go completely. Sometimes, the warnings are there, but our hope supersedes the wisdom being provided. 

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The Year Just Started

This blog is for someone whose 2024 has started rougher than expected. Sometimes, life hits with unexpected twists and turns that are unavoidable. Do we stop? No! We keep going. Now, moving past the twists of life can be difficult, but move even if you have to crawl. Those goals or resolutions can still happen. That vision board can still come to pass, but it will take you believing in yourself. No one can force you to have hope or belief. Granted, life is causing pain, but those dreams are still calling. That purpose is still waiting to be fulfilled. You are meant to survive and thrive through these obstacles. This obstacle course was designed to present challenges, stretch you beyond what you think you can achieve, and cause you to fail. It may have caused an injury, and you must try again. That is fine! Take a moment, heal, and get back in the game. At least this time, you know what to expect, but if the unexpected happens, deal with it then, but not now. Please do not create narratives of negativity before they happen. Prepare, confront, and overcome!

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My second birthday

Today marks 4 years since my double mastectomy on 1/6/2020. The 5 year mark is on the horizon. This day was bittersweet. It was filled with hope that the cancer was gone, and saddness for the loss of the breasts that once held significance. Despite their betrayal, I still cherished the memories they symbolize: nourishing children, bringing sexual pleasure, and the societal norms of womanhood. Confronting these emotions is an ongoing journey, but my decision to fight against an internal betrayal with an invisible enemy stood strong. I reflect on this day as a testament to choosing life abundantly, having tried everything possible to remain. It’s a personal decision, not for everyone, but one I’m grateful for every day. This anniversary serves as a continual reminder of my resilient choice to confront and overcome by any means necessary through the guidance of God. My scars speak!

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Happy New Year 2024

2024 is finally here! Guess what? YOU MADE IT! Seeing another year gives an exhilarating feeling that we got through 365 days of life that may or may not have been that pleasurable. Every second of our lives is a blessing, but to know that you have made it through 315,360,000 seconds should be celebrated no matter what life has thrown at you.

We may want to forget about 2023; some people will even say leave it all behind. That is easier said than done. Unfortunately, some of us must enter 2024 with some crucial circumstances from 2023 that are old or new aspects in our lives. Refrain from beating yourself up for having to take any unfinished business into the new year. Having unfinished business or new situations does not make you less than or unproductive. It makes you a human that is doing their absolute best to live.

Let us all take time to reflect, make necessary improvements, plan accordingly, and move confidently! Have a blessed and productive 2024!

“Don’t remember the prior things; don’t ponder ancient history. Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” ~ Isaiah 43:18-19

“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” ~ Mark Twain

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Merry christmas

Merry Christmas to all! I hope everyone had a blessed holiday with their loved ones. Holidays are usually a time for joy, laughter and spending time with family and friends. Some consider these activities as the holiday spirit. However, there are also those who celebrate Hankkanuah and Kwanzaa, and others who attend church to celebrate and worship the birth of Jesus Christ. Such events bring people together and create new memories.

Unfortunately, some people may feel sad or depressed during the holidays due to recent changes in their lives or the loss of a loved one. Life doesn't stop because of the holidays, and it's not always easy to tell when someone is going through a tough time. Therefore, it's important to check on each other during this season. While we can't make people feel better, knowing that someone cares can make all the difference.

For those who are having a merry holiday season, keep spreading love and cheer. And for those who are struggling, know that you are not alone and that others are praying for you. Give yourself time and grace as you take one second at a time.

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Do Your Best

As I spoke with someone the other day, the realization that we need to be self-aware while talking to someone was evident. While providing information to various people, we need to consider where they are in their lives. One of my aggravations in life is when a person says, "You cannot afford not to invest in yourself." Indeed, I agree with what they are saying to a certain extent because investing in ourselves can allow us to achieve our dreams and succeed. However, I disagree with certain statements being used against anyone to belittle or make someone feel ashamed for not having enough.

We have seen where some celebrities have gone homeless to make their dreams come true. For some of us, that is not the route we are trying to take due to other responsibilities such as children, caring for elderly parents, debt, etc. Everyone has a different story and path to moving into their purpose. But I never want anyone to feel less than because they cannot afford the latest class, outfit, or equipment to get their message into the world.

Do your best with what you have. Keep pushing forward. Sometimes, we must have tunnel vision to make the vision come to pass. Do not allow shame, guilt, or anyone's manipulation to cause you to lose your finances, overall well-being, voice, or identity.

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Sink or swim

That is what I heard on my walk this evening. Honestly, that has been the theme within my mind throughout the month. Will I sink or swim in, venturing into the deep of what I am called to do? For some of you reading this, you may have a different belief system or religion, and that is ok. You can still apply it to yourself in some way. As for me, the thought was will I swim in the calling over my life as I believe the promises and direction of God or sink in the negative narrative of fear and doubt that tend to plague my mind? The choice is mine.

You may be facing a crossroads in life that is uncomfortable. Everything appears exciting yet scary and without any true certainty. Yet, it feels 100% right. No matter the sacrifice, you are ready to risk it all, but it makes no sense in your natural mind. Your life's purpose is causing you to lose sleep and ponder what could be. But guess what? You will never know what it could be if you do not attempt to swim towards it.

If you do not know how to swim, find a mentor or hire a coach to help you learn. Do not be afraid of the assignment due to limitations. If you were given this assignment, everything you need will be provided, but it will take effort. You will have to get in the water to start the process. As you enter the water, go in with the mindset of I Will Swim. Not that I am going to try, or I might learn how, BUT I WILL SWIM. You have been called to swim into the deep of every dream and promise, but you must go beyond trying and actually do! Your destination is awaiting YOU!

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Our Scars Speaks celebration

Today is a special day of celebration! Statistics say most people quit podcasting after episode 3 and even more after episode 10. Our Scars Speak completed its 10th episode, and we have 15 more episodes scheduled! We couldn't have accomplished this without all of you.

For everyone who has been a guest thus far, thank you for entrusting me to interview you and share your story. It has been an honor to share this platform with each of you, and thank you for saying "yes" to the request. Your stories and work are highly respected and appreciated. Your scars have spoken!

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WTVR-CBS 6 Interview

Come watch and hear Christina Miner and Massey Cancer Center share information about FDA changes regarding breast density.

Take a moment to listen and watch my interview with Buddy Check 6 on CBS WTVR 6 news. We discuss dense tissue and the changes within the FDA, allowing patients to be offered further testing if they have dense breast tissue. Also, understand that dense tissue has nothing to do with your breast size. This information is vital to know, considering dense tissues can hide masses that could be cancerous. There are four density levels, with the fourth being the highest and consisting of all dense tissue. I had level three, which was heterogeneously dense.

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my scars speak

My Scars Speak

My scars speak fear, my scars speak pain, my scars speak anger, my scars speak sadness, my scars speak gain, my scars speak confidence, my scars speak resilience, my scars speak boldness, my scars speak truth, my scars speak choices, my scars speak peace, my scars speak survival, my scars speak life, my scars speak God’s promises, my scars speak for those who feel they can't speak, my scars speak from the graves of the voices whose stories were never told, my scars speak a profound beauty and love for myself that I never thought I would behold.

Photo taken the day of my double mastectomy on 1/6/2020.

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Giving up

Tonight when I could not connect my guest to my Facebook or Instagram Live, the thought of giving up never crossed my mind. But after everything was over, I reflected on my life. There was a time when something like that would have occurred, and I would have been embarrassed, panicked calmly, given up, and thought I wasn't good enough or this was not for me. Now, when these events transpire, I stay calm, process what happened, learn from the situation, and improve.

Giving up should never be an option, especially when we have yet to try or just started trying. Instead, we should learn to be gentle with ourselves as we embrace the hidden potholes of life. They can throw us out of alignment, but we must find a way to fix it and move on. Of course, sometimes that is easier said than done, but it is always possible.

Instead of looking for a way to escape by letting go completely, try letting go into new growing pains. These pains are not a sign of giving up but giving into exploring and learning. Granted, this can cause us to be uncomfortable, but that is part of the process. Stretch beyond your comfort zone and into the unfamiliar of new possibilities. Take a chance on yourself. If we give up, we will never reach the full potential of our greatness.

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Process of Change

Change can be uncomfortable yet beautiful. Working towards your dreams will be difficult, but diligence can produce a masterpiece. The transition into labor is painful, but to birth a gift, is a blessing. Therefore, tolerate the pain, endure for the moment, and reap the harvest in the end.

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We Welcome Everyone

It all begins with an idea.

Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you felt welcomed during your visit. Even if a service is not needed we hope you can remain connected through our blog. Have an amazing NEW YEAR IN 2023!

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