Do Your Best

As I spoke with someone the other day, the realization that we need to be self-aware while talking to someone was evident. While providing information to various people, we need to consider where they are in their lives. One of my aggravations in life is when a person says, "You cannot afford not to invest in yourself." Indeed, I agree with what they are saying to a certain extent because investing in ourselves can allow us to achieve our dreams and succeed. However, I disagree with certain statements being used against anyone to belittle or make someone feel ashamed for not having enough.

We have seen where some celebrities have gone homeless to make their dreams come true. For some of us, that is not the route we are trying to take due to other responsibilities such as children, caring for elderly parents, debt, etc. Everyone has a different story and path to moving into their purpose. But I never want anyone to feel less than because they cannot afford the latest class, outfit, or equipment to get their message into the world.

Do your best with what you have. Keep pushing forward. Sometimes, we must have tunnel vision to make the vision come to pass. Do not allow shame, guilt, or anyone's manipulation to cause you to lose your finances, overall well-being, voice, or identity.


Merry christmas


Sink or swim