
Today, I dropped a glass lid for one of my pots. As soon as it hit the floor, I thought about how we can feel when we have dropped or fumbled various aspects of our lives, how we may have missed opportunities or neglected goals. Thoughts plague our minds, such as where we went wrong or if we could have done something different to prevent the drop. Before everything shatters to the ground, we attempt to catch it, but all we grasp is air. Witnessing the shattering of our aspirations can cause us to freeze and look at every broken piece. Should we move forward to try and piece everything back together, or is it too much damage?

Sometimes, if we move forward, we could get cut from all the broken pieces seen and unseen. We often look as if there is no hope of what could be because the damage is too significant. Yet, there are times when the breaking has to occur to get us to take a new path. Maybe it wasn't meant for us to hold onto or catch what we thought was ours. You may feel shattered internally, like the glass on the floor, but you are still standing. Therefore, clean up the area and move towards the new thing.

The pot update: For me, it was letting go of an old pot that my husband knew we needed to get rid of. I was holding on even when forewarned it could break. It took me dropping the lid to let go completely. Sometimes, the warnings are there, but our hope supersedes the wisdom being provided. 


The Year Just Started